1029 results returned for search: "" category ("Personal Finance" AND "Business")
Michael Kitces could drive a hot new car, work out in a high-end gym, and relax in a sprawling house. He can afford it. He just doesn’t want it.
What does the 37-year-old financial planner, a partner and director of research at Pinnacle Advisory Gro...
DATE: Jul 11, 2015
Personal Finance
DAVE SAYS by Dave Ramsey
Dear Dave,
I own a rental property that brings in enough to pay the taxes and insurance with a little left over. Recently, I found out that my tenant, who just signed a new two-year lease, is subleasing the property for the s...
DATE: Jul 11, 2015
Personal Finance
Financial advisers say clients often overestimate their tolerance for risk. But data suggest it’s really financial advisers who become more nervous than they expected when markets become volatile.
Advisers often underestimate their own stomach for r...
DATE: Jul 11, 2015
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
Where should you save for large expenditures when you’re doing the Baby Steps?
Dear Heath,
Depending on what the expenditure is, I would suggest saving for these sorts of things after Baby Step 3. Once you’ve paid off all of your de...
DATE: Jul 04, 2015
Personal Finance
Most investors should be familiar with the concept of “Home Country Bias”, the natural tendency to be more familiar and comfortable with public companies in your home country.
Investors everywhere consistently display this trait, which is in direct c...
DATE: Jun 27, 2015
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
I’m currently a senior in college. I’m completely debt-free right now, and I am wondering what I should do to stay this way after graduation.
— Cary
Dear Cary,
You’re already primed for a great start. Doesn’t it feel great to know you won...
DATE: Jun 27, 2015
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
My wife and I are in our twenties. We have no debt and $50,000 in the bank. Our income is $90,000 a year, and we’re cautious to live on less than we make. Still, we can’t seem to get motivated to make a budget. How can we get inspired to d...
DATE: Jun 20, 2015
Personal Finance
(Bloomberg Business) — Barraged by investment firms eager to manage their life savings, many Americans are making their choice — for nobody. They’re shrugging off investment advisers altogether in the hunt for lower costs, Bloomberg Markets magazine ...
DATE: Jun 20, 2015
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
We’re debt-free including our home. My husband is a man of faith, but a bit of a dreamer. He has written several inspirational books that haven’t sold, but he feels this and public speaking are his calling. He wants us to sell the house, a...
DATE: Jun 13, 2015
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
I’ve been in my current job for five years. I’ve also had a second job for three of those years, but now I’d like to make a change.
Do you have any advice on how to convince a potential employer that I’m a good hire, even though I had a c...
DATE: Jun 06, 2015
Personal Finance