1029 results returned for search: "" category ("Personal Finance" AND "Business")
Noticeably absent from this year’s soaring stock market have been emerging market equities and those companies which deal in commodities. Stoked by unprecedented money-printing and massive global “ring-fencing” of the world’s most serious credit prob...
DATE: May 27, 2013
Personal Finance
Bryan Dooley
Dear Dave,
My husband and I are debt-free except for our mortgage, and we make $65,000 a year. At this point, we have only $17,000 left to pay on the house.
We haven’t fully gotten into all the retirement planning you say should come before paying o...
DATE: May 25, 2013
Personal Finance
Dear Dave: I’m a stay-at-home mom now, and my husband brings home $2,600 a month. We’re trying to get out of debt, but we need more money coming in. I want to go back to work, but emotionally part of me feels like I should stay home with our two-year...
DATE: May 18, 2013
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
I’d like to start investing in mutual funds, but I have no idea how they work. Could you explain about them please?
Dear Jennifer,
First of all, don’t rely solely on my answer here. You should never invest in anything you don’t...
DATE: May 11, 2013
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
If a wife takes out a credit card in her husband’s name without his knowledge, and they get divorced, can the husband claim identity theft?
Dear Nancy,
Absolutely! Unless they have power of attorney, anytime someone opens an accoun...
DATE: May 04, 2013
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
My divorce will be final in a month, and I’ll have $100,000 when everything is over. I will also have $8,000 in credit card debt, and I’m currently unemployed.
Do you have any suggestions to help me move forward?
Dear Meryl,
The ...
DATE: Apr 27, 2013
Personal Finance
After the financial debacle in Cyprus last month, some investors may be rethinking the idea of bank deposit safety.
The decision to force Cypriot savers into a bailout came after the country’s largest banks became too highly leveraged and then compr...
DATE: Apr 27, 2013
Personal Finance
Bryan Dooley
Dear Dave,
I’ve been on medical leave from my job due to an injury. My doctor recently advised extending the leave another six months, but during this time I wouldn’t be paid. My husband makes $75,000 a year, and we owe $40,000 on our cars. This incl...
DATE: Apr 20, 2013
Personal Finance
Dear Dave,
My younger sister moved came to live with my husband and me a few months ago. She’s 19, has a job, and is attending a local college. But even though she’s working, she hasn’t said anything about helping out with utilities or paying rent. W...
DATE: Apr 06, 2013
Personal Finance
With stock market indices pushing new highs, the investment community has become somewhat divided over exactly where we go from here. For one thing, what makes this bull market rather different from those of past eras is the sheer breadth of the rise...
DATE: Mar 30, 2013
Personal Finance
Bryan Dooley