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GameTime answered Tucker's plea

Rescue: GameTime owners Albert Steede (right) and Cleon Scotland

Bermuda Half-Marathon Derby winners received their full complement of prizes after GameTime betting shop came to the rescue with a generous donation.The May 24 organising committee had got rid of prizes for age group winners and scrapped the prize-giving ceremony, having had their budget cut in half when a main sponsor, ING, pulled out.But just days before the race, GameTime owners Albert Steede and Cleon Scotland, both former cricketers, answered a desperate plea from organiser Gina Tucker for sponsors to come forward.It's believed they stumped up the $15,000 that has been allocated to prize money in the past.Former Bermuda skipper, Steede, said: “It was a monetary donation, with the organisers arranging who gets what. At GameTime we're in the business of sport. As former sportsmen, we know the importance of winning things when you perform to a high standard and so we were pleased to assist the organisers in providing a full complement of age group prizes for the May 24 race.”Steede said GameTime had “a legacy to giving back to the community.”“As far as decisions made, we leave that up to the committee and those more involved in the sport to know what is best for the event,” he said.“All we hope for is that the community continue to support this wonderful tradition. In our brief history we have a legacy of giving back to our community and this gesture added to that.”