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Changes made for Tokio triathlon

Adam Petty, the new race director, said the course was sure to be a hit with spectators.“This has definitely been a learning experience for me but it’s also been really exciting. The Tokio Millennium Re Triathlon should be even better than last year as it was our first time in Hamilton. We’ve tweaked everything a little bit to improve on last year’s success,” he said.Petty said the transition area has been moved to the parking lot instead of on the grass.“This will allow the grass area to be more spectator-friendly where people can see the competition better,” he explained.Evan Naude and Kristyn Tobey Robinson are the defending male and female champions.The senior individual, junior advanced, and team races will start at 9.45am with a 750 metre swim, 20k bike and 5k run.There will be a ‘Try-a-Tri’ for novices at 8.45am over a shorter 300m swim, 8k bike and 2k run.The Individual Junior Racing Bike Duathlon will be competed over four age groups: Boys and Girls aged 7 to 8 (1k run, 4k bike, 1k run), Boys and Girls aged 9 to 10 (1k run, 4k bike, 1k run), Boy and Girls aged 11 to 12 (12k run, 8k bike, 2k run), and Boys and Girls aged 13 to 14 (2k run, 8k bike, 2k run) 8am start time for all juniors in the duathlon.The Junior Mountain Bike Duathlon will have three age categories: Boys and Girls aged 7 to 9 (1k run, 4k bike, 1k run), Boys and Girls aged 10 to 11 (1k run, 4k bike, 1k run), and Boys and Girls aged 12 to 14 (1k run, 4k bike, 1k run).To register, go online at www.racedayworld.com. Registration closes on Wednesday, June 6.The entry fees are $25 for juniors, $25 Try-a-Tri, $30 junior advanced, $35 senior individual and $50 senior team.Race packets can be collected on Friday, June 8 between 5pm and 7pm at the Waterfront Properties Courtyard off Pitt’s Bay Road.n The 24th annual Capital G Iron Kids Triathlon is set for a week later on June 16 at Clearwater Beach.Children from the three up to 14 will compete in thell swim, bike and run event with and can win up to $1,000 in scholarship funds.Registration information will be posted soon on www.capitalgironkids.bm.