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Ironman Mills takes another shot at Worlds

Ironman Peter Mills

Local triathlete Peter Mills will be pushing to qualify for the mother of all endurance events when he competes in the Ironman Lake Placid in New York later this month.The 46-year-old hopes to reach the standard for the Ironman World Championships, held in Hawaii in October, having narrowly missed the mark in his previous three attempts.He will also be raising cash for charity, with the Tokio Millennium employee challenging people to choose a predicted time for his swim, cycle, run and overall finish, including transition.There is a fee of $250 for each estimate, which can be submitted to the fundraiser manager Victoria Clipper at vclipper@tokiomillennium.com by July 20.For every $5,000 raised, Mills will personally donate $1,000 to his charity of choice, Breadline Africa, a South African-based charity that aims to break the cycle of poverty by helping communities help themselves.The rest of the pool will be split between those who come closest to guessing how long it takes Mills to complete each event, plus his overall time. Winners are also encouraged to make a donation to Breadline Africa.Mills’ last Ironman event was on a fast course in Panama City, Mexico, where he clocked a time of 10 hours and 12 minutes.On average the Lake Placid course is believed to be 17 minutes slower than the Panama race, with Mills hoping for a time around the ten-hour mark.“This is my fourth North American Ironman and my goal in any of these races is to qualify for World Championships,” said Mills, who has been training between 20 and 28 hours a week since January.“In order to do so, one must qualify and the standard to do that are quite high. I have come close on several occasions, but have not accomplished that goal yet.“My personal goal for this race is around ten hours flat for Lake Placid, so this will require a considerable improvement in performance.“My training has been excellent and feel that I am stronger and faster going into this race.“I will be racing for around ten hours against some super competitive people. This race will hurt!”The Lake Placid race takes place on July 22.