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Tech, Tech, Baby

A few issues ago we took a look at Instagram, an app that allows users to filter and modify digital pictures on their Android or iPhone and share them via social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. The extent of the app’s popularity was substantiated when social media giant Facebook purchased them for $1 billion in April 2012 and now an older, perhaps more sophisticated alternative has come to light as a result of their success.Even before the days of the Instagram craze there was a brand called Lensbaby, which now due to the popularity of Instagram is receiving the recognition it deserves. Lensbaby (lensbaby.com) provides all of the functionality of Instagram to SLR and DSLR camera users.Lensbaby sells lenses that can be used with DSLR and SLR cameras and are available in five unique models with memorable names and are designed with the photographer’s sense of style in mind:Muse — this lens replicates the look of an accordion and the user focuses by moving and squeezing the lens into position. The name of this lens describes the types of images it is capable of taking well, as these can be whimsical and enchanting.Composer — this lens moves using a ball and socket base and is designed to make focusing effortless and includes a locking ring to ensure focus stays sharp.Composer Pro — as the name indicates, this lens is a step up from its sister the composer and is intended for those aspiring to take professional quality images.Control Freak — is used for close up shoots and looks like the Muse with multiple screws emerging from it. These are used to lock the lens in position once the ideal image is in view. The name says it all.Scout — this is the newest member of the family and doesn’t bend, swivel or move at all like its sister lenses. It does however take fisheye images which are increasing in popularity and can be used to create fun, almost cartoon like images.These lenses also allow users to mix and match various optics between them to create the perfect effect. Optics are available in five categories; Slice, Sweet Spot, Fisheye, Soft Focus, and Pinhole/Zone Plate with the Sweet Spot containing four variations.These lenses look as if they were designed with user simplicity in mind and their site features instructional videos and also includes a blog section where you can pick up helpful tips from other users. If you already own an SLR or DSLR camera why not give them a try?The online pricing is below what you’d normally pay for a lens and their site contains information on various distributors who carry their products.We’d love to know what topics you’d be interested in learning more about, so e-mail us at TechBuzz@btc.bmJuly ChallengesAs promised, July’s articles will be filled with challenges and the opportunity to win some great prizes.Challenge 3- E-mail (TechBuzz@btc.bm) with your answers. Go to the Lensbaby site and look under their gallery tab. Select one of the many photos stored there and provide the name/photographer of your favourite, along with four to six descriptive words that explain why you like that photo. Entries due by July 27, 2012. Please put the challenge number in the subject line of the email. Winners will be judged by accuracy of entry — correct web address and descriptive words selected. All winners will be announced at the end of July and all participants will be entered in a draw for some great prizes as well.