It’s a “6”!
I get so excited when I see technology being applied locally to support significant cultural events, raise awareness or just provide us with options. The option to watch Cup Match from the comfort of our living rooms, the ability to purchase game tickets online, sending a photo of the century achieved just seconds after it happens.This year yielded some firsts in the local technology arena and I can’t wait to see what next year brings.CellOne hit a “6” with their Crown and Anchor App on Facebook this year, and I think the team at Cosmic (designers of the app) will be hard pressed to come up with something even better next year. Participants had to select their team of choice and were then issued with some virtual start-up capital and away they went. The app was a great rendition of the real thing less the 90 degree heat and masses of people vying for a spot around what seems like an extremely small table at the time.High scorers had the opportunity to win some great prizes compliments of CellOne and the app definitely set the tone for the upcoming festivities.Another popular event that has found its way into the Cup Match weekend is the annual Non-Mariners Race held in Mangrove Bay, hosted by Sandys Boat Club and their crew of Non Officials. There’s not an ounce of pomp and circumstance to be had but rest assured spectators and participants alike always leave with a smile on their faces.I was pleased to see this event making use of technology this year as they created a Facebook page and the organisers have laid the groundwork to expand the Sandys Boat Club ( site to include this Non Event. You’ll find pictures and video clips of the event on all the major local online sites and if you’re not able attend; I’d encourage you to check it out online if for nothing more than a good once again used as a medium to post all pre and post Cup Match hype and streamed the game live for those of you that stayed at home and our friends abroad who couldn’t make it down. It was great to see a site dedicated to one of Bermuda’s most significant celebrations. Anything and everything you wanted to know about the holiday could be found there.For me, the introduction of technology into these types of celebrations makes them even more special. We are able to capture and communicate special moments in the press of a single button and in some cases are fortunate enough to be present during historical firsts. This level of accessibility to technology has allowed us all to become honorary historians as we blog, post photos to social media sites and share content with one another.We’d love to know what topics you’d be interested in learning more about, so e-mail us at