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Oversharing prompts shutdown of Dell daughter’s Twitter account

Social media snafu: The Twitter account of Dell founder Michaell Dell's teenaged daughter was shut down after she blabbed about the family's whereabouts

Michael Dell, the billionaire founder of Dell Inc., spends $2.7 million a year on a personal security team for his family. But his efforts to keep his loved ones out of the spotlight and harm’s way were no match for his teenaged daughter’s social media habits.The Twitter account for Mr Dell’s daughter, Alexa Dell, was shut down after it was discovered she was dishing detailed accounts of the family’s whereabouts on Twitter.Ms Dell tweeted intimate details about her and her family’s life, including their exact whereabouts, until her father’s security detail pulled the plug on her account last week.Prior to the shutdown, the 18 year old had been an avid sharer — telling followers when she was in New York, where she was going shopping and when she was planning to travel. She even posted a photo of her high school graduation dinner, which included the date, time and location of the event.Last week, Ms Dell also posted information about the family’s holiday to Fiji, complete with an Instagram photo of her brother, Zachary Dell, enjoying a luxurious buffet on the family jet. The photo made a brief appearance on the Tumblr site, “Rich Kids of Instagram”, which chronicles the lives of those under 30 with seemingly limitless bank accounts. The snapshot was later taken down and so was her Twitter account.Dell Inc. officials have declined to comment on the teenager’s ‘over sharing’. But Jason Thorsett, director of operations at security firm, Custom Protective Services, says that the billionaire’s security team had to have been outraged by Ms Dell’s social media snafu.“I’m sure they called the dad and shut it down,” Mr Thorsett told BusinessWeek. “It’s innocent on the kids’ behalf, but social networking has become the bane of our existence.”Thorsett said social media has made the work of security teams, whose number one concern is kidnapping, more difficult because guards are not trained to use sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.“Twitter is the worst because it’s so instantaneous,” he said. “You get that GPS location of exactly where you are. It’s just insane.”Mr Dell is a self-made billionaire — reportedly work $15.9 billion. At 19, he launched Dell computers from his freshman dorm room at the University of Texas in Austin.Since taking his company public in 1988, he has landed the 41st spot on Forbes Magazine’s Billionaires’ List.He lives with his wife and four children in a massive 33,000-square-foot mega mansion in Austin, Texas.

Last week, Alexa Dell posted a photo of her brother, Zachary, enjoying a massive brunch aboard the family’s jet. The photo made a quick appearance on the Tumblr site “Rich Kids of Instagram.”