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It's like magic

For those that want to seamlessly capture and organise memories, Windows Movie Maker is just the tool that you need.Windows Movie Maker is user friendly and if you are able to follow a few simple instructions, you’ll have no problem using this tool.You can download your favourite photos, videos and audio files and in what seems like no time, create a custom presentation that looks like it was done by a professional — or close at least.Getting started— Download a free version of the tool, be sure to select the version that is compatible with your laptop/PC (Vista, Windows 7) http://windows.microsoft.com— When you are about to download the software you have the option to install the Microsoft Essentials Suite or choose only the programmes that you require, I personally only selected the Movie Maker option. You will also need to download Microsoft Silverlight.— Now you’re ready to start creating!Creating your masterpiece— Create a new project by using the drop down options available in the left hand corner.— All tabs are centrally located and are to the right of the tab above.— Once you have created a new project, you can begin by adding a picture or video by clicking on the home tab and selecting Add Videos and Photo.— Once a photo or video has been added, you then have the option to add a caption on the slide and if you want to change the font style or colour you can do so by selecting the format tab, where you will find the necessary tools to accomplish those tasks.— Adding voice or a musical background is simple and can be accomplished by reverting back to the home tab and choosing the add music option. You can add tracks you currently possess or can search for them online.The programme offers a multitude of additional functionality such as animation, visual effects and editing tools. For those that use PowerPoint on a regular basis, this programme will seem like second nature and you won’t even have to read instructions before starting a project.For those that are a bit more timid, the Microsoft site provides written instructions and video tutorials, alternatively you can go to YouTube and use the search term Microsoft Movie Maker to access additional support materials.You can share your creations online via social media platforms, e-mail to friends, burn onto DVDs, or save as a file on your PC.Pay attention to this article folks because next week we’ll be sending out a TechBuzz Challenge that relates to its content.We’d love to know what topics you’d be interested in learning more about, so e-mail us at TechBuzz@btc.bm