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Now for the weather... Bermudian creates app for keeping one step ahead of the weather

The new Weather Radar app on an iPhone

Bermudian David Zuill has just released a new weather radar iPhone app, called Bermuda Radar.Apps, or application software, is software for specific purposes, while mobile apps are application software for mobile devices.There are few apps targeted specifically at the Bermuda market. Mr Zuill believes there is an app available that is targeted at visitors, and the Bermuda Yellow Pages also provides one. In developing Bermuda Radar, Mr Zuill had the Bermudian market specifically in mind.Mr Zuill’s new app uses weather data from the Bermuda Weather Service (BWS) to provide a quick and easy reference for local weather information via iPhones."Using the available information on the small screen of a smart phone can be a challenge," he said. "This app makes it really accessible wherever you have a data connection, and you can review the information even if you're offline. You can't do that with the web browsers available for the iPhone."The Bermuda Radar app uses data from BWS, including imagery from the Department of Airport Operations' Doppler radar installation.”Bermuda Radar takes its screen name ‘BDA Radar’ from the airport code ‘BDA’ for Bermuda's airport where the Doppler radar installation is located. Mr Zuill kept in close communication with BWS while the app was being developed. "BWS was great. Once they understood what I was doing they got excited and helped out by testing the app themselves and confirming that the data was accurate.“They were a huge help."The app developer said: “I did it because I was interested and I enjoyed messing around with the BWS imagery — it just came out of that.”The app features:l animated zoomable radar with scrub barl current conditionsl up-to-date forecastsl watches and warningsl daily tidesl the ability to share images and forecasts using e-mail or FacebookThe app, which costs $1.99 is available on the App Store, and is designed for Apple's iPhone and the iPod Touch. It will also run on the iPad.Mr Zuill is working on versions for Android and Windows Phone, and a version is planned for BlackBerry as well.The app developer put in a request that for all issues related to the app, users should not contact the BWS. “Instead, please use the contact form on the developer web site http://www.bermudabasics.com.”Useful website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bermuda-radar/id650561613