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Course on data privacy and cybersecurity

Cybersecurity: focus of a course run by TLC with the BEDC

Compliance specialists The TLC Group are to offer a Bermuda-focused data privacy and cybersecurity course in partnership with the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation.

The four-week course, to be held every Tuesday from 9.30am until noon, begins next week in the training room at the BEDC, Church Street, Hamilton.

Attendees will discuss the similarities and differences in Pipa (Bermuda), GDPR (EU), CCPA (California) and other privacy legislation; explore how data privacy and cybersecurity affects the transfer and joint-liability of customer and staff data across borders; learn practical steps to ensure that privacy, cookie and cyberpolicies are in line with legislation and industry best practice; and gain an understanding of the impact of data breaches and cyberattacks.

A spokesperson for The TLC Group said: “As October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in Bermuda, this course provides a great opportunity for individuals and organisations to gain a greater understanding of their data privacy and cybersecurity rights and responsibilities.

“The TLC Group recognises there may be a challenge for many of Bermuda’s organisations to meet global data privacy and cybersecurity standards, so we’ve created a course designed with local culture in mind.”

Space on the course is limited, organisers say. For further details, and to register, visit https://www.thetlcgroup.pro/events/ or https://bedc.bm/our-events/.