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Hub Culture plays role in busy Tech Week

Tech events: Stan Stalnaker, founding director of Hub Culture, said Bermuda has attracted “really amazing companies” and participants to its Tech Week events, which include Hub Culture’s Liquidity Summit on Tuesday (File photograph)

The Bermuda Innovation Sprint hits top gear on Tuesday with the return of Hub Culture’s Liquidity Summit.

It will feature a number of innovators and leaders working in the fintech, blockchain and crypto industries, and is a major element of the island’s Tech Week, which starts on Monday

Bermudian-based Hub Culture created Ven, the world’s first digital currency, in 2007.

Stan Stalnaker, founding director of Hub Culture, said: “We’ve spent a lot of time out in the world talking about how great Bermuda is. Our vision for the Innovation Sprint was to help support the growth of the ecosystem here.

“We are excited to see how much everything has grown in the last year in terms of participants, number of people, as well as the number of events.

“This year there are more than a dozen events over the two weeks of the Innovation Sprint.”

He added: “The headline is Bermuda Tech Week, which is the anchor and the soul of everything that is happening.”

Ms Stalnaker said that Tech Week has three major events next week, namely the Liquidity Summit, the Bermuda Business Development Agency’s Tech Summit, and Tech Beach.

“All of them are attracting incredible people. If you look at the agendas, between them there are really amazing companies across the board that are participating.”

The first week of Hub Culture’s Bermuda Sprint involved meetings and networking. Next week brings the Liquidity Summit where, among the speakers and panellists are Chance Barnett, co-founder of Jewel; Jeff Pulver, founding chairman of Blockchain Token Association; Gin Chao, chief strategy officer of Binance; representatives of Bermuda Fintech Business Unit; and former premier Sir John Swan.

In addition, Hub Culture is presenting an event called “Hello World” on Thursday, which revolves around artificial intelligence and is a beach hub and online event.

For details of the Liquidity Summit, visit https://liquiditysummit.com/