Senators upbeat in support for Morgan’s Point project
Morgan’s Point developers were yesterday praised for their “patience” and “fortitude” as the bill allowing the $2 billion resort to be built was passed in the Senate.Opposition Senator Suzann Roberts Holshouser said the final result of the five-star resort would be “monumental” to the Island.“It represents our future going forward,” she said, adding that the developers Craig Christensen, Nelson Hunt and Brian Duperreault should be applauded for “what they are doing and have done”.Sen Roberts Holshouser found a few concerns with the pending development and questioned how the large number of potential tourists would be properly serviced without an immediate hospital access in the west end.She also questioned when the first phase of the project would be complete.Government Senator Cromwell Shakir said the area for the proposed hotel development was relatively free of contamination and could be cleaned up quickly, with building to start soon after that.He said the project would be built in phases, including a condominium and hotel development, by 2029.Independent Senator Joan Dillas -Wright said the projects bodes well for the Island going forwards and proves Bermuda is open for business.“I want to comment the developers for their fortitude and patience. I am sure I, along with the rest of Bermuda, are glad to see a solution with the issue of Southlands and they now have Morgan’s Point.”Government Senator LaVerne Furbert said she was “happy” to see the new development taking place, but wondered whether it would be complete within her lifetime.She said she was glad the developers “stuck to their guns”.Opposition Senate Leader Jeanne Atherden praised The Morgan’s Point Resort Act 2011 for offering staff housing to employees.However she questioned whether this would be a condition with developments going forward.“The reason I say that is because what will Government do to prevent a flood of staff leaving from other hotels?”United Bermuda Party Senator Michael Dunkley said the opposition was in 100 percent support of the initiative by Government to “try and jump start tourism”.He said he hoped it would be a “breath of fresh air” to the tourism industry, which has faced challenges in capturing people’s imaginations.But said in order to have a five star hotel the Island’s would also have to have a very high quality of service.Sen Dunkley praised the developer’s investment to train Bermudians in the hospitality industry and also commended their patience in getting to this point.Junior Finance Minister David Burt said it was “excellent” to hear all parties were supportive of the act.He said the project would bring high amounts of activity to our shores and said it would help the Island become a more competitive marketplace.Labour Minister Kim Wilson said the project would bring a resurgence to the local tourism product.“I support in closing legislation that takes into account the environment, the economy ensuring job promotion, job creation as well as people. It takes into account the fostering of tourism.“Bermuda’s two pillars as you know are international business and tourism and we have legislation that will develop a $2 billion project in Bermuda.”She added that the principle developers were all from Bermuda.