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Tourism Board upbeat after weekend retreat

Bermuda’s Tourism Board is confident the industry is getting back on track, based on feedback from a recent retreat.The National Tourism Plan was a primary focus at the two-day event last weekend.The plan is intended to lay out the Island’s tourism strategy for the next five to ten years.Board member and hotelier David Dodwell stressed its importance.“It’s the road map for the future. We spent a lot of time on that.“Bermuda and Bermudians need this. We need this to work to win. In my view, we have no choice but to turn tourism around. We cannot rely only on international business.”Board members shared their thoughts and opinions on the future of tourism and met with representatives of Tourism and Leisure Co, the firm appointed to develop the tourism plan.Also present were advertising and public relations agencies representing Bermuda in the US and UK.Those present were also shown the initial work of newly hired advertising agency Fuseideas.Said Mr Dodwell: “I am absolutely confident that we are heading in the right direction. We were impressed by what we were presented. I will say that there were rounds of applause.”He described the retreat as first-class.“You felt the passion in the room; passion for change, passion for a new direction.”Edward Shapard, general manager of Elbow Beach Hotel, said he was impressed by the range of industry participants and the general consensus as to what steps must be taken.“What was most amazing is that everyone was in almost complete agreement as to how things need to move forward,” he said.“I’m new to Elbow Beach, and I’m pretty bullish about Bermuda, but to see so many other people from so many aspects of tourism positive about Bermuda was fantastic.”Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert said he was pleased with how the weekend turned out.“All participants were upbeat and excited about the developments with the upcoming National Tourism Plan and Bermuda’s new brand.”More details about the retreat are expected to be released at a press conference later this week.The National Tourism Plan is expected to be released later this month.