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Tourism ads get a mixed reception from public

Harrison Burke ( Photo by Glenn Tucker )

The Bermuda Department of Tourism recently unveiled their latest efforts in attracting visitors to the Island with a $4.8 million advertising campaign. Only time will tell whether the ads have been effective with overseas residents. In the meantime, Bermuda locals shared their thoughts with The Royal Gazette.“There aren’t many black people headlining it for sure. That’s my first observation,” said Pamela Phillips. The Pembroke resident added: “That’s what grabs me first. I don’t know what their targeting. This doesn’t tell me.”Mark Tannock from Warwick also noted a lack of black people in the ads.“Why are there no black people in these ads? Why would you portray so many Caucasian people in the ads when Bermuda is predominantly black? Why not mix it up? Why not black and white?” Mr Tannock insisted that the ads should be a true reflection of the island.Others, however, were pleased with the campaign.Pembroke resident Anthony Rogers said: “It’s great. It’s long overdue.”Another Pembroke resident, Alton Dawson, liked the new ads as well. “They did a good job. I like it,” said Mr Dawson. He also offered a few suggestions.“They could have shown more of the city and the nightlife. And more of our tourist attractions like Dockyard, Snorkel Park, and St George’s square.”Shira Litwack, a Devonshire resident, was confused by some images, but overall commended the general aesthetic of the campaign.“I like some of them. I didn’t really understand the wedding one. I think it just came across as they were targeting upper class people. Which is fine — [Bermuda] is expensive,” said Ms Litwack.“But for the most part, I think the videos were good. They looked really nice. I liked the girls’ trip thing. They definitely look good,” she said.When Jackie Port was asked if she would visit Bermuda after viewing the campaign, she responded: “Yeah, definitely.”She continued: “It does [make me want to visit Bermuda]. But she (pointing at another woman standing beside her) works as a lifeguard and they’re always trying to warn people not to jump off the cliffs and now you’ve got them actually doing it. It’s dangerous.”The Warwick resident also had another critique. “They could have shown more of the Gombeys because that’s something that’s unique to here, whereas dancing isn’t. Dancing could be anywhere. But other than that I think [the campaign] is good.”Sherica Trott from Pembroke put herself in the shoes of a potential visitor.“I think it was pretty good, actually. It made you look at it from the other side, like if I was in the States. It would catch my eye,” said Ms Trott.Another man from Warwick, Justin Burke, said: “They look pretty good. They show a bunch of different Bermudian cultural aspects,” said Mr Burke.Harrison Burke, also from Warwick, works at the Fairmont Southampton. When asked whether he thinks the hotel guests would like the ads, he said: “They pretty much like beaches. That’s what a lot of tourists like. They love beaches and the water.”“And golfing,” added Justin. “It’s good that they have a golf picture in there. And it’s good that they have the one of the person jumping off the cliff because [the tourists] like water.”

Mark Tannock
Anthony Rogers
Shira Litwack
Sherica Trott
Jackie Port
Justin Burke
Alton Dawson