Online critics harm Bermuda, says Minister
Online criticism of Government is damaging the Island according to Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert.Mr Furbert made the claim on the social media site Facebook yesterday morning.“There are those who write via RG, Bernews mainly for political reasons to attack the Government,” his Facebook posting said.“Have those in the OBA ever thought that they are doing more damage to the people of Bermuda than the Government.“Here is an e-mail that was sent me. ‘After some discussion and monitoring the newspaper from Bermuda we have decided to pass on vacating (sic) there next spring. The environment on the island seems to be negative’.“Michael Dunkley if you want to do something tell your secret troops they are hurting this island.”The opposition parties were unimpressed. Both responded by saying that Government should look within for the causes of declining tourism numbers.This newspaper asked Mr Furbert to put us in touch with the sender of the email. He agreed to contact her but there was no response by press time last night.He was asked to provide a copy of the email to this newspaper, with the name and address of the sender blacked out if necessary, but he refused.The Minister said the email was forwarded to him by an agent, but would not answer any further questions about it, saying that the Progressive Labour Party would be issuing a release.“This is disappointing stuff from Mr Furbert,” said a spokesperson from the One Bermuda Alliance which restricted its comments to the Minister’s Facebook posting.“He is Tourism Minister at a time of persistent Government failure to effectively manage this important industry — an industry that has real potential to create hundreds of new jobs for Bermudians.“The reported Facebook posting came within hours of a press conference at which he reported more bad tourism numbers, with second quarter air arrivals down 6.5 percent, business travellers down 12.3 percent and convention visitor down 61.7 precent.“Hotelier forecasts for the Fall anticipate an even worse performance.“Instead of taking responsibility for the terrible result, the Minister is trying to lay the blame for his Government’s failure on “secret troops”. This from a Minister whose Government had been operating without a tourism strategy for years.”The OBA spokesperson added: “The kind of thinking reflected in Mr Furbert’s Facebook post is exactly why this country needs a change in government. Bermuda needs people in government willing to be accountable for their performance, willing to take responsibility for what happens.“This Government has been in charge for 14 years and they continue to blame everyone and anyone but themselves for what’s gone wrong. It’s time to look in the mirror.”Kim Swan, interim leader of the United Bermuda Party said : “There is great irony in the Minister’s concern expressed, for had he followed on a Tourism Authority as recommended by his own Tourism Board, he would have taken the politics out of tourism.”Mr Swan added that the Minister, “as a former Opposition Leader — should understand and expect that the PLP's record on tourism will and should come in for heavy criticism.“You only need to look at how the town of St George has suffered — now needing ‘So Much More’ — to see that the Government still needs to taken to task on Tourism."When the PLP release did come, Mr Furbert went further and condemned “vile and disgusting” anonymous online comments.“I even read one comment that said that black Bermudians should, and I quote, ‘for those who blame white people for the situation they are in … don’t … you should blame YOUR ancestors, they were offered a chance to go back to Liberia. they didn’t go.’ That is an unedited quote!“What do you think a visitor would think of our Island if they read that or any of the other vile and anonymous comments posted? But, it’s not just the anonymous commencers that we’re worried about.“Bob Richards telling the world how much better the Cayman Islands is than Bermuda is doing us no favours. Craig Cannonier preaching his gospel of doom and gloom doesn’t attract business or tourists to our shores.”Mr Furbert went on to say: “We live in a connected world — and, the world is listening. The OBA, their friends in the media and their army of anonymous commentators keep talking down Bermuda at every opportunity.”And he called on the OBA to “stop spitting upon Bermuda and tell us what they would really do so that we can have a debate over ideas. Bermudians deserve to know who is really standing strong for them during these tough economic times.”The release also quoted two Facebook posters who wrote in support of Mr Furbert’s entry.One, a Bermudian recruiter, said: “I am faced with convincing future employees for hard to fill positions NOT to read those blogs and negative comments attached to many stories.“Some former expats and residents are also reconsidering Bermuda as a vacation destination because of the changes they see via the media outlets. They post about it sometimes before we hear it. Our only daily newspaper in my opinion does more harm to our community than it empowers us!”This newspaper asked the recruiter to elaborate on her comment but she declined saying she needed permission from her employer to speak to the press.