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The email exchange

E-mail, as a way of instant dialogue

Potential visitors’ letter to Fiona Campbell:After some discussion and monitoring the newspaper from Bermuda we have decided to pass on vacating there next spring. The environment on the island seems to be negative — upswing in crime, declining attitude towards people visiting the Island and in general not a good place to vacation at this time.We have decided to look at other places and appreciate your interest in our plans. Perhaps when the situation changes in Bermuda we will look at it again and if it is positive we will look to you for a rental. Thanks again and best wishes.”Ms Campbell’s replyI would like to step in at this point and ask you most sincerely to reconsider: if you are reading the newspaper online, it is filled with commentary that has more to do with an ugly face of politics than anything else.There is an election approaching and some people will stoop to pick up any cudgel to beat about the head and shoulders and lay blame at the current government’s door for every societal ill. Its exaggerated, mean minded and unjust.Like any government, looking back I am sure they feel they could have done things better or differently. Its ironic but I read the piece this morning about a one percent drop in tourism figures and was frankly disgusted at the vituperative commentary that followed.I have been formulating a response in my head all day- and then your e-mail sails into my inbox! Heres a chance to put it all down!We have all been in recessionary times these last six years. There’s been debt wracked up and a lot of folks have been tossed out of work- everywhere in the western world.The fact remains Bermuda is a well run little country tackling its issues, filled with good people trying very hard to make a great place better. To be blamed as a government for absolutely everything with the inference that society is somehow collapsing there is absurd.I have been selling that Island for 21 years. I go back and visit my family there regularly. Yes they would be happier if the fat times of 110 percent employment were back and the international companies were opening new head offices there every week. There are societal stresses that are being managed there as they are everywhere else: people are getting deeply busy fixing everything within their sphere of influence and looking out for their neighbours as well.For guests coming in from overseas, the geography remains magnificent and anchored securely only two hours or less from most major East Coast cities, hoteliers strive to put in place every pampering element know on earth to entice overseas visitors, and the local service people and my homeowners are well educated, happy to oblige you and make you comfortable and welcome and are all very grateful for your presence.Places to dine are varied and delicious. I have a huge selection of people who will attest to the quality of vacation experienced this year if you go to my website and read the reviews under each listing.Everything we read on line has to be taken with a grain of salt. A local pastor does not represent an entire island’s views. The judiciary sometimes makes questionable calls.Its nothing more than we all navigate every day everywhere in the communities where we live. At least there you have a flawless ocean to revel in, clean beaches, no industrial pollution, and a chance to lie down peacefully and take some rest.Let me know if I may be of assistance. We will take care of you and it will be a lovely vacation experience.The client’s replyThank you for your reply it came as a surprise. We have been to Bermuda many times and at one time were owners at the St. George’s Club until the situation there became very critical and we decided to get out of our timeshare.We love Bermuda the people, the activities and, of course, the environment, but I guess the troubling aspects are the crime and the lack of what appears to be forward progress in terms of hotels and competing with other islands.Last night we looked at Barbados and it was very impressive in terms of cost, surroundings and travel option plans. We want to come back to Bermuda and I will share your thoughts with my wife and friends.While I can not promise you we will change our minds I can assure you we will consider your thoughts. Thanks again for assisting us and I am most impressed with your way of doing business..”