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Room bookings rise four percent

Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert has credited the ‘So Much More’ tourism advertising campaign for a four percent rise in room bookings during October.

A Bermuda Hotel Association report shows a four percent increase in room bookings last month compared to October 2011.The number of room nights was recorded at 1,231, according to the PACE report; an assessment that is specifically geared to the hospitality industry.Minister of Tourism and Business Development Wayne Furbert credited the ‘So Much More’ tourist campaign for the improvement. He said: “Despite the doom and gloom from the Shadow Tourism Minister, our hotels are showing improved bookings going forward. Clearly our new So Much More campaign is producing results and attracting visitors to our shores.”Other statistics from the Bermuda Hotel Association’s PACE report includes occupancy for October up five percent over 2011, group room bookings for the next six months up four percent and tour operator room bookings for the next six months up 24 percent. Earlier reports of British Airways figures show their passenger bookings are up 36 percent for the first quarter of 2012 compared to an earlier comparative period.In relation to the discounted rooms currently being advertised at the Fairmont Southampton, Minister Furbert said: “This is nothing new and several of our hotels offer discounted rooms during the winter season in order to increase volume.”There was no response to requests for a further breakdown of the figures and actual visitor numbers from the Ministry by press time last night.