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‘Condé Nast’ profiles local art scene

The spread that appeared in Conde Nast featuring Bermuda

Bermuda’s thriving art scene has been highlighted in Condé Nast magazine with photography by Bermudian Gavin Howarth.

Condé Nast approached the Bermuda Tourism Authority about shooting the project that revolved around travel writer and fashion illustrator Meagan Morrison, who they were sending to the Island to explore its creative talents.

The article was featured on the front page of a location specific edition of the international magazine and included a double page spread of Mr Howarth’s photographs.

Characters including Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art founder Tom Butterfield, local artist Emma Ingham and jewellery designer Rebecca Little all had a slot, while numerous locations were highlighted in the piece.

The project was so successful that Condé Nast approached the BTA about running a second, more high-profile supplement featuring National Geographic adventurer and climber Jimmy Chin. He visited the Island and was accompanied by Mr Howarth.

Mr Howarth told The Royal Gazette: “They wanted to bring Meagan here for a couple of days to experience the culture and artistic side of the Island so we had a pretty comprehensive list of the different people we wanted to meet with.

“At the same time we were taking in some of the scenic sights to get a really well-rounded set of original images which they could pick from.

“As well as the photos that appeared in the magazine, there is an online slide show where there are even more images. We were basically just going both days all day with an hour or less at each place and I took hundreds of photographs. It was a pretty tight schedule and quite demanding. Anyone who bought the March/April magazine locally wouldn’t have seen it because it was location specific advertising piece but it featured in US editions.

“We have finished the second part with National Geographic photographer and adventurer Jimmy Chin which will feature in the July/August issue.

“It was completely on the success of the first one and it is almost even more exciting. It was the same concept but his trip here was more action adventure based so jumping off the rocks, some jet skiing, kite surfing, paddle boarding ...”

Mr Howarth has been a photographer in Bermuda for nine years mainly covering weddings and corporate events. He was recently featured in another US magazine — Garden and Gun — but says his work with Condé Nast is the most high profile he has done to date.

Victoria Isley, BTA chief sales and marketing officer said: “This is the latest example of how the BTA partners with on-Island talent, off-Island influencers and media partners. Gavin has an amazing talent and ability to capture the energy of the Island on top of a can-do attitude. Gavin’s talent, Jimmy Chin’s personality and influence — he has 650,000 Instagram followers — and Condé Nast Traveler’s reach are a recipe for success in increasing the desire for savvy travellers to try Bermuda.”

National Geographic photographer and adventurer Jimmy Chin
Island project: The feature on Bermuda in Condé Nast magazine (left and above) and the National Geographic’s Jimmy Chin (right)