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Horseshoe Bay plans outlined

Horseshoe Bay celebrations on Good Friday this year (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

A covered outdoor bar area and new roof for the concession building are among the planned upgrades for Horseshoe Bay Beach.

The Department of Parks has released a statement outlining plans for the popular tourist spot, which Chops Ltd has promised will be turned into a “classic, vibrant, laid-back Bermuda beach experience”.

They include:

• a new staircase with a moongate leading onto the outdoor patio area, in keeping with Bermuda architectural style, to alleviate congestion;

• an overhead sail-style shade system immediately in front of the concession building and rest room facility, and above the outdoor patio area;

• a security fence from the northwest corner of the rest room building to the western property boundary;

• a covered bar area on the outdoor patio area to improve the overall function and layout of the concession building;

• the replacement of the damaged roof above the south-western end of the concession building with a timber roof with deck above;

• a buttery-style roof above the existing entrance to the concession building and extension of concrete slab.

The public can inspect and make comment on the proposals at the main office of the Department of Parks.

All comments must be in writing and hand delivered to the Department of Parks, 169 South Road Paget, by no later than 5pm on Friday, April 22.