BTA searching for local entertainers
Local entertainers and promoters are being urged to submit ideas to be considered for grants from the Bermuda Tourism Authority.
Pat Phillip-Fairn, the BTA’s chief products and experiences developmental officer, said: “We’re looking for new entertainment ideas that meet the desires of our visitors.
“We’ve conducted market research specifically on the subject of entertainment, so we feel we have a firm grasp on what the modern Bermuda traveller wants. Now we just need some home-grown talent to step up to meet the challenge.”
The BTA said market research had shown that visitors were interested in “pop-up” entertainment in both outdoor areas and repurposed venues, intimate performances in smaller venues and entertainment that reflected cultural experiences.
Successful applicants could receive as much as $20,000 of investment funding, depending on the strength of the idea, and interested parties can apply online. However, only new entertainment ideas will be considered for grant funding — not projects already under way or scheduled to begin.
Although the new grant process focuses on entertainers, the BTA said entrepreneurs of every kind could participate as long as their business idea was relevant to entertaining visitors, with vendors and performers potentially collaborating on submissions.
The BTA’s goal is to have new summer entertainment ideas launched by the end of next month, running through October. The deadline for submissions is May 31 for entertainment experiences taking place over the 2016 summer travel period and successful applicants will be announced on June 10.
Applicants may receive grant funding, marketing support or some combination of the two. Questions can be submitted via e-mail to David Thomas of the product and experiences team at