New Coral Beach apartments backed by planning department
Plans to build new tourist accommodation at a hotel have been given the green light.
The Coral Beach Club in Paget was given permission by planners to develop a maintenance yard and build eight new tourist units in six new buildings.
The club said in a letter about the proposal that it hoped to attract a “broader spectrum of guest traveller” to Bermuda and that a “new product” was needed.
The writer of the report to the Department of Planning said: “Members of the club will be offered the opportunity to acquire by lease the rights to use a particular tourism unit for a period of time – however, the period of time cannot exceed 90 days, which will only be granted to one owner per unit.
“For the remaining 275 days of the year each unit will be available for transient paying guests of the hotel with the Coral Beach Club managing the units.”
The report added that the units would have a designated parking space with additional bike parking nearby and porches, lawns and balconies would also be included.
The plans, submitted in October, were the same as proposals approved by the Development Applications Board in 2018.
But the planning permission for the project expired in 2020 without ground being broken.
The report recommended the application for approval and said that the new apartments were in line with the Bermuda Plan and would be a boost to tourism.
It said: “The new tourist units will allow Carol Beach Club to target other areas of the tourism market and provide a versatile product for their members and guests.”
Victoria Pereira, the Director of Planning, approved the application on January 14.