Well-loved Good Friday tradition gets boost
An annual Easter re-enactment of the crucifixion of Christ will expand into a five-day event next month.
A spokeswoman for the Walk to Calvary Experience, which re-enacts the passion of Jesus Christ in St George's, said it was “a cultural, community-wide experience open to everyone, locals and visitors alike, to honour history, faith and togetherness”.
She added: “In 2025, the Walk to Calvary Experience expands into five days of culture, faith and fellowship, featuring diverse events designed to bring the community together.”
Organisers have partnered with BermudAir and the Grotto Bay resort to offer discounts to people visiting the island for the events between April 16 and 20.
The spokeswoman said: “We urge local businesses, churches and families to extend an invitation to visitors, proving that Bermuda is both affordable and rich in meaningful experiences.
“This is our chance to showcase our island’s faith, culture and hospitality on a global scale.”
April 16: Airport pick-up, VIP reception at Grotto Bay 3pm, kite-making at 4.30pm
April 17: Re-enactment rehearsal at 10am, washing of feet at 6.30pm, last supper cast meet and greet at Crawl Gospel Hall at 7pm
April 18 (Good Friday): Worship at Wesley Methodist Church at 9.45am, Walk to Calvary re-enactment in St George’s between 10.30am and 12.45pm, community festival event at St George’s Preparatory School from 12.30pm until 4pm
April 19: Baptisms at Grotto Bay at 8am, island tours at 11am, lunch with the cast, Walk to Calvary documentary screening at 8pm
April 20 (Easter Sunday): The final re-enactment scene will take place on Ordnance Island at 6.15am, codfish breakfast at St Peter’s Church Hall at 8am, transport to various churches for service and Sunday brunch
April 21: Transport back to the airport
The discounted rooms and flights, with a VIP package that includes transportation, tours and all Walk to Calvary events, cost $550.
• Visitwalktocalvary.bm for more information and tickets and contact info@walktocalvary.bm to join the re-enactment cast or volunteer