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Operation Vega clocks motorist travelling at more than 70mph

Robert Cardwell, Acting Superintendent, Tactical Support Division (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

A motorist was clocked at travelling at 119km/h — or 70mph, the speed limit on a British motorway, the police said today.

It comes as the Bermuda Police Service released its latest Operation Vega statistics, which showed that there had been an increase in the number of tickets issued for almost all traffic-related offences in the past month.

The BPS said that between July 11 and August 8, 640 tickets were issued — up 444 from the previous month.

During this reporting period, 91 warnings were issued, up from 50 in the previous reporting period.

The news comes as the Acting Superintendent of the Tactical Support Division, Robert Cardwell, announced that Operation Vega, a traffic-abatement programme launched in July last year, is to remain in place for “the foreseeable future”.

Police figures revealed that the highest recorded speed clocked during the period was 119km/h. The speed limit is 35km/h.

Mr Cardwell said: “The fact that someone is willing to travel at more than three times the legal speed limit is testament to the disregard some individuals have for not only the rules of the road but more importantly the safety and wellbeing of other members of the public.

“It also gives credence to the fact that heightened policing alone will not result in better or improved behaviour by motorists or other road users for that matter. It still comes down to personal responsibility.”

The breakdown of traffic offences

Speeding 293 (+97) – (Highest recorded speed 119 kph)

Traffic Sign 78 (-20)

Unlicensed Vehicle 74 (+32)

No third-party insurance 61 (+25)

No driver’s licence 58 (+18)

Manner of driving 21 (+6)

Disqualified 9 (+5)

Seatbelt 21 (+11)

Helmet 22 (+13)

Handheld device 2 (+2)

Defective vehicle 1 (-1)

Failing to give name/address 0 (0)

Altogether 6,670 tickets have been issued since Operation Vega was launched.

Mr Cardwell added: “We wish to remind members of the public of their role in helping us to achieve that objective. Slow down, don’t drive while impaired, exercise proper care and attention when operating any vehicle. Again, the life you save could well be your own.”

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Published August 09, 2022 at 7:52 am (Updated August 09, 2022 at 7:52 am)

Operation Vega clocks motorist travelling at more than 70mph

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