St George’s roadworks completion delayed by three weeks
An East End road lane closure for the Bermuda Land Development Company to finish trenching work has been extended to the end of September, according to the Ministry of Public Works.
Other closures in Devonshire for Belco trenching have also been extended to September 30.
A spokesman said the lane closure in St George’s would continue between Rocky Hill Park and Ferry Reach Road.
Earlier in the year it was set to finish by September 2.
According to a ministry notice, the trenching will switch over to the eastbound lane on Mullet Bay Road at Ferry Reach Road, to tie into the Echo Lane Trench.
Work will continue from 7am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday.
Drivers should use care while passing the trench, which is close to the road’s centre yellow line.
Island Construction staff will handle traffic direction.
The Devonshire Belco dig extends from Old Military Road, across Parson’s Lane to Palmetto Road.
It was originally scheduled for completion this Friday.
The trenching will affect Palmetto Road’s westbound lane and will link with a completed trench just east of the bus depot entrance.
During this time, only eastbound traffic will be admitted to Palmetto Road, with other drivers rerouted to North Shore Road.
Drivers seeking access to the Tynes Bay facility must detour via North Shore Road to Dock Hill and up to Palmetto Road.
The same working hours will apply.
Drivers should avoid the lane closure section via alternative routes on Roberts Avenue, Frog Lane, North Shore Road, Dock Hill or Middle Road.
Belco staff will manage traffic direction.