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City asks public to be Kind over trash

The City of Hamilton’s refuse collection schedule (Image supplied)

The City of Hamilton has issued guidelines to residents, business owners and road users to ensure safe trash collection.

Advice includes keeping a safe distances from trash trucks, avoiding putting hazardous materials in the regular trash and driving with respect.

The city said the acronym Kind serves as a helpful reminder of the guidelines

K — Keep your distance from trash trucks when driving (at least 15 feet)

I — Inappropriate items should never be placed in the trash (needles, hazardous waste, etc.)

N — Never dispose of glass items with your regular trash (glass should be placed in the blue recycling bags)

D — Drive with respect for our refuse collectors and don’t overtake in an unsafe manner

Patrick Cooper, the city engineer, said: “Our city sanitation staff work hard every day to keep our city streets clean and ensure that trash is picked up on a regular, reliable schedule.

“What we are asking is for members of the public to follow simple behaviours and guidelines which keep not only our staff safe as they go about their jobs, but also the public themselves.

“For example, there is always the possibility that bins can slip off the back of our trucks, so it is essential that motorists keep a safe distance from our trucks as they make their collection rounds in Hamilton, especially when overtaking.

“We ask that motorists create a safe buffer zone around the trucks in which workers can operate — that area should be considered a work zone.”

City residents and businesses are reminded to remove their trash bins from the streets after their trash has been collected during non-collection times to reduce the chances of bins being stolen or blown away during inclement weather and to deter illegal dumping.

A full city refuse collection schedule can be found here.

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Published October 19, 2022 at 1:00 pm (Updated October 21, 2022 at 7:05 pm)

City asks public to be Kind over trash

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