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Investigation into taxi driver dropped, ministry confirms

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Important industry: there are about 600 taxi owners on the island

An investigation into a taxi driver who ejected a family of tourists, including a baby, from his vehicle has been dropped, the Ministry of Transport has confirmed.

Dennis Furbert, the president of the Bermuda Taxi Owners and Operators Association and board member of the Public Service Vehicles Licensing Board, came under fire after the incident last July.

It is understood that a couple travelling with their child in his taxi wanted Mr Furbert to turn up the air conditioning.

He acknowledged there was a dispute about the temperature inside the vehicle but explained that he ejected them from the car after they refused to wear face masks.

Case closed: An investigation into Dennis Furbert, the president of the Bermuda Taxi Owners and Operators Association, has been dropped (Photograph supplied)

Following queries from this newspaper, a spokeswoman for the ministry said: “At the November meeting of the Public Service Vehicles Licensing Board, it unanimously agreed that no further action would be taken.

“The board did not receive sufficient support from the complainant to proceed and therefore was required to close the matter."