Race to affect traffic on Sunday
A road race will affect traffic in Hamilton and several western parishes on Sunday, the Ministry of Public Works said.
The ministry said the Gosling’s and Hamilton Princess Rum to the Beach race would start in Hamilton and finish in Southampton.
Runners will start at 8.30am and the event is expected to finish by 10.30am.
Competitors will head west from the Gosling’s compound on Dundonald Street to Cedar Avenue and continue through Burnaby Street, before turning left on to Front Street.
Runners will then proceed east to Crow Lane and continue to the roundabout at Crow Lane Park.
After exiting the roundabout, they will continue along Harbour Road and turn left on to Burnt House Hill.
After making a right turn on to Middle Road, they will continue towards Lighthouse Road.
They will then exit right on to South Road and turn left on to Sonesta Drive.
Participants will then continue to the finish line at the Hamilton Princess Beach Club in Southampton.
Police were authorised to close off streets or portions of streets and authorise parking as the Commissioner of Police decides.
Motorists were urged to follow the instructions given by police officers and race marshals who will direct traffic along the route.
They were also urged to be cautious and avoid collisions with race participants.
The ministry encouraged the full co-operation of the public and apologised for any inconvenience.
Questions about the race can be directed to race representative Sharon Craig on 704-1626.