Belco restarts power grid work
Transmission upgrade works have restarted in the West End, Belco said today.
The power company has reopened cable joint holes to let crews feed through transmission cables from the Warwick Pond area of Middle Road.
Work will continue westward along the main road to Lighthouse Road and the Fairmont Southampton.
Shelly Leman, managing director at Belco, said: “We are in the final stages of our transmission upgrade project and I appreciate the public’s patience and understanding as these essential works take place.
“Once completed, we will have a modern, more robust grid that will assist in our journey towards a more sustainable energy future.”
The work will take place every day between 7am and 7pm. Traffic will be restricted to one lane with traffic controls in place.
Crews will advance about 800ft a week, with the single-lane closure moving alongside. Progress updates will be posted on Belco’s website.
Motorists were asked to take detours on South Road and Harbour Road.
The public have also been urged to exercise extreme caution while walking or driving past Belco crews and open trenches.