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Cargo flight lands safely after electrical fire

The Boeing 747 aircraft, seen here, remained at LF Wade International Airport on Saturday as crews work to fix the problem (Photograph supplied)

A cargo flight en route to Amsterdam from Miami landed safely in Bermuda yesterday morning after the pilots reported a fire on board.

The Martinair Cargo flight, a Boeing 747 aircraft, diverted to LF Wade International Airport and landed safely at about 5.46am after the pilots reported an electrical fire had broken out on the cargo carrier.

A Skyport spokeswoman said the crew followed all standard emergency procedures and the aircraft landed safely without any injuries to the crew or damage to the aircraft.

She added: “The local response from our stakeholders, including the Bermuda Airport Authority, Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service and Menzies Aviation, was textbook as all agencies were in place for the unexpected arrival.”

Martinair Cargo is working closely with Skyport and ground-support agencies to have the aircraft repaired and dispatched to the Netherlands as quickly as possible.

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Published February 22, 2025 at 10:48 am (Updated February 23, 2025 at 2:06 pm)

Cargo flight lands safely after electrical fire

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