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April 2011 Voices

“He thought that showed I lacked confidence in him when I showed him it didn’t mean that. After the latest shooting I just wanted to be briefed firsthand by the Commissioner” Premier Paula Cox on the resignation of Senate Leader David Burch after she told him about a meeting she had with Police Commissioner Michael DeSilva following the murder of Randy Robinson.“They were young men when I arrested them (in the 80s). Now they are nearly old men. I almost want to weep. That’s how badly I feel. They haven’t changed or if anything, they’ve gotten worse” Minister of National Security Wayne Perinchief on Bermuda’s high rate of recidivism.“We fear that the antisocial behaviour of a few of Bermuda’s citizens could have a far-reaching and devastating impact on the economy and well-being of the Island as a whole” Alterra CEO Marty Becker in response to a survey given to the Island’s top business leaders on the big issues facing their companies.“We make no apologies for what we are doing, there is biblical evidence that the end of the world is almost here” Simeon Daliy, the group leader of the religious fellowship that descended upon Hamilton to spread the news that May 21 would be Judgment Day.“If the union members go on strike due to the current situation is there money in the union coffers to assist with the union families? There are simple questions but there are no answers since the BUI has not filed or published their accounts since 2002” Former Bermuda Democratic Alliance chairman Michael Fahy urging the BIU to file their financial data.“Neither polls nor elections can become distractions as this administration concentrates on achieving goals set on behalf of the people of this Country, and as Premier and leader I will set a pace that will achieve the desired results” Premier Paula Cox in response to an approval ratings poll that showed a dip in her favourability to 28 percent.“We disagreed quite significantly on that one issue and I made the decision to resign. People who know me and my DNA know that would be reason for me to resign. They wouldn’t expect anything different” Lt Col David Burch on his row with Premier Paula Cox following her meeting with Commissioner Michael DeSilva on gun violence.“These drivers are in the service business and I expect them to provide a service but every single day we are experiencing an interruption to services. Some days we have two pages of cancellations to services, this shows how many drivers are off sick, it’s not good enough” Former Transport Minister Terry Lister.“It takes grit and character to resist the temptation to indulge the politics of appeasement and to say there will be no symbolic cuts in ministers’ salaries” Premier Paula Cox as she officially rejected Bermuda Industrial Union’s call for Cabinet ministers to take a pay cut as a symbolic gesture.“The ceremony had meaning and even in the beautiful expanse that is Westminster Abbey, what impressed me was the sense of warmth and intimacy. I was pleased to have been able to attend and glad that Bermuda was represented. This wedding was special” Premier Paula Cox, having attended the Royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.