December Voices
“Of course they should be better citizens. It’s Christmas. They are gaining from the society. They are gaining from being here. People don’t want to tell them that. We have got to tell them.” - National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief urges the international business community to provide more money to aid the fight against gun crime.“I’m okay, Daddy.” - Eighteen-year-old landscaper Kevin Ledo’s final words to his father Carlos seconds after suffering a fatal electric shock by touching a live wire as he trimmed a hedge on Christmas Eve.“When we have our young men and we know them first as children and then tragically have to see them marched one after another, row on row, through a court system with the title of murderer attached to them, this is a serious time. This is a very serious condition and the Country has to address it if we are not to lose not only them, not only future generations, but actually lose the Country itself.” - Former Premier Alex Scott urges MPs to follow through with some of the tougher recommendations from the Horton Committee’s report on violent crime.“Why? It’s sad, because how can you hit a four-year-old and not get out of your car?” - Jazmine Minors speaks out after her four-year-old daughter Jaya Tucker suffers light injuries in a hit and run incident near Devonshire Recreation Club.“Our female pitbull.” - Premier Paula Cox unveils Attorney General Kim Wilson as the Progressive Labour Party’s general election candidate for Sandys South Central.“It should be stressed that any dog may have the propensity to become a threat or be dangerous to the community if the keeper of that dog does not socialise or train them.” - Environment Minister Marc Bean warns dog owners they must behave responsibly as he Government relaxes its ban on some dogs previously deemed too dangerous. Pitbulls, unfortunately for Senator Wilson, remain on the banned list.“In this type of case, isn’t it proper that the court should reclaim its traditional and inherent power to demand that men sent to prison spend their time in prison rather than leave it to the executive branch to be releasing them?” Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves, expressing his frustration over the early release of violent criminals.