Humberto: key facts
Hurricane Humberto hit Bermuda from the south, veering west by 9pm on Wednesday.
Hurricanes spin anticlockwise; the front right quadrant is typically strongest.
Humberto swerved northwest later Wednesday night, and by dawn was blowing from the north.
Figures from the Bermuda Weather Service show what the island contended with:
• Humberto’s top sustained winds around 9pm at the airport: 83mph, gusting to 116mph
• Top winds from 7pm to 10pm: 92mph at the Maritime Operations Centre, gusts of 144mph
• Pearl Island Automated Weather Observing System in the Great Sound clocked 123mph at 9pm
• The Crescent Channel Automatic Weather Observing System picked up gusts of 130mph at 9pm
• Estimated total rain was 2 to 4 inches for the whole event
• Highest seas associated were 48ft off to Bermuda’s north, 42ft in the north marine area
• Storm surge recorded at Esso Pier was a maximum of 2 to 3 feet
From the Ministry of National Security:
• The fire service logged 17 “minor incidents” as a result of the storm
• There were 11 medical calls, with three people treated at Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre in St David’s
From Belco
• Customers out of power after Humberto: 28,514