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EMO not making plans for Nigel

Steering clear: Hurricane Nigel is tracking well to the east of Bermuda (Image supplied by the Bermuda Weather Service

Public safety officials do not expect Hurricane Nigel to pose a threat to the island after the latest forecast from the Bermuda Weather Service.

Nigel is expected to be more than 500 nautical miles to the east of Bermuda when it reaches its closest point of approach tonight.

The Emergency Measures Organisation met earlier yesterday and concluded that the hurricane did not pose a threat and that it was unlikely to cause any disruptions to public services.

Michael Weeks, the Minister of National Security, said that the EMO would remain “cautious” and monitor the weather system over the next two days.

He added: “We know that this has been a very long and relentless hurricane season and it’s certainly tested all of us. We have navigated through three storms in the last month, so I can absolutely appreciate that our residents are feeling as sense of storm fatigue.

“But the season isn’t quite done yet and I encourage residents to continue to maintain not only their preparedness but their strength and patience.

“We’re monitoring Hurricane Nigel to the south of us. We are being cautious, so the EMO met to get the latest update on this storm. We aren’t anticipating an interruption of public services based on Nigel’s projected forecast, but we continue to be vigilant.”

Nigel is 760 nautical miles to the east-south east of the island and is expected to increase in strength from a Category 1 to a Category 3 hurricane today.

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Published September 19, 2023 at 7:55 am (Updated September 19, 2023 at 7:56 am)

EMO not making plans for Nigel

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