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What can you gain if you weight-train?

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Many benefits: weight training cuts your risk of osteoporosis, reduces stress and burns more fat (Photograph supplied)

A good friend and co-worker of mine, who also happens to be my trainer, was recently asked why a woman would want to be so strong. Every woman who has ever lifted weights has been told not to get too bulky, or too strong, or too intimidating.

It is “unladylike” to sweat or have gym calluses on your hands.

We females have a history of being told what to do and what not to do. The truth is that someone will always find fault in what empowers you.

So why should women lift heavy? What do we have to gain?

• As you age, you are at risk of losing both bone and muscle mass. Postmenopausal women are at a greater risk for osteoporosis. Resistance training is an excellent way to combat loss of bone mass and it decreases the risk of osteoporosis.

• Lifting weights will reduce stress. So many women who walk through our doors list off all the reasons they don’t have time for the gym.

They are trying to balance work, family, friends and their health. When you have so many plates spinning, it is easy to let one slip.

People who weight-train tend to manage stress better than those who do not. When life is throwing everything at you, stop and breathe, then hit the gym.

• Lifting weights burns more fat. Let’s squash the belief that lifting weights will mean you will build bulky muscles. Ask anyone who is trying to build muscle mass, it just isn’t that easy.

Building muscle requires work. If you want to burn fat during (and after) training, weight training is the most effective method.

Finally, do what empowers you. Don’t be scared of being too strong, or too intimating. The best smiles come from clients who squat a weight they never thought possible.

Be proud of your strength, both in the gym and the strength it takes to step foot inside the door. So be strong, empowered and unapologetic as you lift heavier than the men in the gym.

Cassandra Matcham is a Yoga Alliance-certified yoga instructor, studio and group fitness manager at Alchemy Fitness. She specialises in accountability and goal-setting to help clients reach their full potential. Follow Alchemy Fitness on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlchemyFitness Bermuda or e-mail info@alchemy.bm

Fitness advice: Cassandra Matcham