Put your best foot forward and become a happier you
Last Monday, on my 58th birthday, I began my day standing before the mirror in the bathroom, peering deeply into my eyes.
The morning sun, shining through the large circular window to my right, cast a golden spotlight of warmth on my back and shoulders.
I felt the power of the rising sun lift my spirit, and I welcomed this daily miracle of rebirth into my heart. No plans for the future this year, no regrets about the past. One moment at a time.
I closed my eyes and summoned my imagination.
I saw the aurora of sunrise spreading across the sleeping sea, turning the dark, complacent waters into a rippling silver mirror of morning light. I visualised myself as a Bermuda longtail launching from the rugged caves below our house, leaping into the newborn day in a quick explosion of purest white; feathers and wings unfolding in the clean salt air, soaring up, up, up high above the South Shore, gentled by the wind and pulled by the fading stars.
Far below I heard the calls of my mate, pursuing me in a delirious aerial ballet of desire above the clear turquoise depths of the Gulf Stream.
"Happy Birthday! Let your positivity shine! Show your strength and courage as you have done so many times before. You can do it!” My words rang out with strength and confidence.
I opened my eyes with a smile, raised my hand and gave myself a high five in the mirror. This morning ritual of beauty visualisation and high five affirmation is a way to start the day with positivity and empowerment. If you call the power within yourself to the forefront at the very beginning of your day, it will help you break negative routines and overcome obstacles both big and small.
You can visualise any positive or beautiful scene you wish. Give the high five with whatever personal phrases of encouragement you want. Just be sure to actually say the words – look into your eyes, and mean it!
Start the day appreciating the beauty in the world, and the good things that have happened to you. Tell yourself you will succeed. Put your best foot forward and walk into a happier you.
Nina London is the founder of Mermaid Wellness Centre for Women and a certified Chi Gong and Laughter Yoga teacher. Her mission is to support and inspire mature women to make positive changes in their bodies and mind. Contact her at www.mermaidwellness.com and on Instagram: mermaid_wellness