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Championing alternatives when traditional medicine reigns

Homeopath Mel Dupres (Photograph supplied)

Worldwide, the energy is growing around homeopathy and Mel Dupres is very excited to be a part of it.

As the island’s “only fully qualified homeopath” there is a bit of self-interest in seeing Bermuda’s interest in alternative medicine rise, but more important to her is that people achieve their best health.

“For me, it is absolutely crucial in this time of the planet’s evolution for people to know about this system of medicine, which works in the quantum field, in the energetic field, for deep healing; healing not only for people's immediate symptoms that they've had diagnosed as a condition, but homeopathy has the possibility to dig past generational traumas that have been passed down unknowingly to us.”

As an example, she described how a woman might be impacted if both her mother and grandmother had used the pill as a contraceptive.

“The product of that is that the child could have endometriosis, or some kind of infertility when they’re trying to have children, or hormonal issues as a result of actions of their mother and their grandmother,” she said.

Homeopathy uses natural remedies to treat illness, with a focus on the whole person. Science says there is no evidence behind it.

Ms Dupres says there is proof of its efficacy but as the only practitioner in Bermuda, educating an entire population is difficult.

“It's almost that homeopathy is a threat to Western medicine because it actually deals with curing, on a deep level, people's issues. At this time in human history, there's no better time for the education and knowledge of homeopathy. When I was studying, and this was in 1995, I remember they always talked about homeopathy being the medicine for the 21st century and now we're here and it's true. It's for this time,” she said.

“It's a 200-year-old medicine and finally, science seems to be catching up with what homeopathy has known and has been doing for humanity for 200 years.”

It is evident in the way that scientists are applying their knowledge of quantum physics to medicine, Ms Dupres said.

“The law of similars [where a disease can be cured by substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people], I've seen some Western systems using this concept in some of their treatments,” she said.

In India, “queues of people” wait to be seen by homeopaths each day, she said.

“They work tirelessly, morning to night. And I've seen it because I was there. In Brazil it's used a lot, in Italy it gets used a lot. But I think India is the main place where they're known for that.”

Her problem, as a lone voice, is getting people here to understand.

“I'm the only one talking about it because I'm the only fully qualified homeopath on the island. There are some people that use homeopathy, but not to the extent as a qualified homeopath would use it because [it takes] a deeper understanding,” Ms Dupres said.

Another thing working against homeopathy: treatment is not covered by insurance. At Healing Essentials MD no one is turned away because they cannot afford to pay.

“While I do have a practice and I charge people, I also see a huge amount of people and don't charge them because it's my belief that people have the human right to healing. How do you put a price on healing? It’s just the practicalities of life [that requires me to charge]. I need to pay my bills and eat food and what have you so I have to be realistic about that.”

The remedies she prescribes are “inexpensive” unlike some “chemical medicines” that can cost thousands of dollars.

“I encourage people to use remedies all the time – if they fall over, or if they cut themselves, for earaches … Minor acute conditions or injuries that people have at home, or their children have, they can treat themselves but treating deep chronic conditions has many facets to it,” she said.

“You can buy a tube of homeopathic remedy for $20 – and you don't need very much of it, you don't need to be on it for a lifetime. And the reason for that is because how homeopathy works is it stimulates the vital force or the healing potential within the body. So you just need to stimulate it, you need to give it the correct information and then the body does the rest.”

Deeper understanding requires lifelong learning that the homeopath is eager to share.

“Over the last 24 years there have been four homeopaths in total that have offered this gift of homeopathic healing to the island but the interest of the community in knowing and using homeopathy has been limited for the most part. Currently there is only one practitioner and what I have noticed is that as the energy is growing around the subject of healing there will eventually be a need for more practitioners here,” she said.

“When we get to this point it will be of great benefit to the population and health of the community in general. On the flip side, this is a potential threat to the mainstream medical system as homeopathy brings about true healing. The more people heal, the less of a need they have for pharmaceutical medicines. People are finally starting to wake up to the dangers of allopathic methods and chemical medications for treating disease [and so they are] grateful for homeopathy being a safe, natural and extremely effective system of medicine.”

Ms Dupres is hoping people turn out next week to watch Introducing Homeopathy, a film that pulls all the information together.

According to its synopsis: “This film has captured the history, science, and power of homeopathy, a 200-year-old medicine, in a supreme way. Homeopathy works on the energetic level of the being and is the medicine of the future – available to all. The main point to know about homeopathy is that it is truly a safe and effective medicine that stimulates the internal healing potential of all beings without side effects.”

• Introducing Homeopathy will screen at Speciality Cinema on June 3 at 6.30pm. Tickets, $14, can be purchased atwww.specialitycinema.com or at the cinema

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Published May 27, 2024 at 8:00 am (Updated May 28, 2024 at 8:05 am)

Championing alternatives when traditional medicine reigns

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