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Finding your groove: why consistency is key to enjoying exercise

Keep on track: Betty Doyling (File photograph)

We've all been there. You sign up for a class or gym membership, excited to embark on a new fitness journey. The first few weeks are fantastic – you're energised, motivated and seeing results. But then life gets busy, vacations happen and the initial excitement fades. Suddenly, the thought of a workout feels like a chore.

This recently happened to a client of mine. They initially loved their workout routine, something they did specifically for themselves. However, stress and a dip in motivation took hold, making exercise feel like a burden. We decided to take a few weeks break, agreeing to return when they felt a more positive association with exercise.

This experience highlights a crucial aspect of fitness: consistency is key but it shouldn't come at the expense of enjoyment. Pushing yourself through a workout when you're completely drained can actually backfire. Here's why consistency is so important and how to stay focused even when motivation dips:

The Power of Consistency:

1, Building the habit: Regular exercise becomes ingrained in your routine, making it easier to stick with it long-term. So even on those days when you are “not feeling it” you maintain your normal schedule

2, Progress over perfection: Small, consistent efforts add up to significant results. Aiming for consistency over intensity allows for sustainable progress

3, Reduced soreness: Consistent exercise allows your body to adapt to the physical demands, minimising post-workout soreness and encouraging you to return for more

4, Improved energy levels: Regular physical activity boosts your energy levels throughout the day, making you feel more motivated to tackle any stresses that may come your way

5, Enhanced mood and mental wellbeing: Exercise is a powerful tool for combating stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling happier and more positive.

Staying motivated:

1, Find your "why": Reconnect with your initial reasons for starting. Is it for stress relief, strength gains, or simply enjoying movement? Remember even when you have to start from the beginning over and over, you are still doing what your body needs

2, Mix it up: Incorporate different activities such as swimming, dancing, or team sports to keep things interesting and prevent plateaus

3, Schedule your workouts: Treat exercise like an important appointment. Always block time in your calendar and stick to it.

4, Find a workout buddy: Partnering with a friend keeps you accountable and adds a social element to your routine

5, Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Celebrate milestones, whether it’s a new exercise mastered or simply showing up for your workout

Remember, exercise will always be a journey, not a destination. Listen to your body, take breaks when needed and focus on finding activities you enjoy. Consistency is about showing up, even on those "off" days. It's the small and consistent steps that lead to big results and a healthier, happier you.

Stay Focused and B-Active For Life!

• Betty Doyling is a certified fitness trainer and figure competitor with more than a decade of experience

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Published July 17, 2024 at 7:59 am (Updated July 17, 2024 at 7:20 am)

Finding your groove: why consistency is key to enjoying exercise

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