China's entry
happy with her because she takes out time to be with me or just calls to talk.
What I like most is that she doesn't push me to talk about things that are unpleasant, but instead finds way to make me comfortable.
Dee is amazing because out of her busy schedule, she finds time to show me how to cook, or takes me swimming and to places that are educational. She also has my interests first. She makes me feel on top of the world when I am with her, and when we meet she always hugs me, which makes me feel good inside.
Dee is like a gift, precious like gold and shines like silver. It's hard for me to explain in 250 words why Dionne should be in the spotlight because she is my spotlight! We are a special match.
It's very important to me to have my Big Sister in the spotlight because since we were matched she has, in her own unique way, helped me to open up and see things from a different point of view. She treats me like a real sister, and I hope we last forever as Dionne has made a difference in my life. Last, but certainly not least: D is for Delightful; E is for Extraordinary; and E is for Easy to get along with.