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Students salute diversity

diversity during an International Day last week Friday.Six to nine-year-olds studied the culture, dress, food and myths of Ancient Greece.

diversity during an International Day last week Friday.

Six to nine-year-olds studied the culture, dress, food and myths of Ancient Greece.

"Their preparation for International Day have clearly given them a framework and foundation for wondering and learning about people and places around the world.'' said Montessori spokeswoman Sarah Lorimer-Turner.

That afternoon, students dressed in international costumes and paraded around the Peace Pole, singing international and cultural songs.

"The children have enjoyed looking at various gods and goddesses, as well as looking at the various myths that go with them.

"They also studied with great enthusiasm, Greek architecture and created samples of Greek pottery.'' Other classrooms in the school studied the Caribbean cultures and ate food prepared in the regional fashion.

A book fair concluded the day of diversity at Montessori Academy.

GAMERS TAKE CENTRE STAGE YO Gamers take centre stage Bermuda's best electronic video gamers will battle it out on a massive television screen and vendors will market products just before the Christmas season at a gaming convention later this month.

JaKoMa Entertainment will host a video game tournament at Bermuda College Gymnasium November 24.

Players will match off in either Sega Dreamcast system's Soul Calibre or Playstation's Tekken 3.

Both games have seen tremendous sales and promotions over the past year, but seen little tournament play in Bermuda.

And while Tekken and Soul Calibre gamers will take centre stage, they cannot steal the entire show as computer gamers invade the showroom floor with gaming stations of their own.

Using a system of tickets and challenger matches, players can engage each other from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. that Saturday.

It's hoped various computer, video and electronic vendors will open booths to promote their products during the event.

Event promoters said the tournament is exactly one month before Christmas to give shoppers a heads-up, opportunity to buy and vendors an opportunity to advertise.

An all day pass is $10 and can be purchased at Sound Stage, Music World and Audio/Visual Video.