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Celebrating Thanksgiving at Victor Scott School

A very special day: The Thanksgiving Day luncheon at Victor Scott Primary School was especially special for (from left) Serenity McQueen, Brian Santucci, Chyion Thompson, Majestic Butterfield, who won the flower arrangements that decorated the tables.

“Victor Scott has a lot to be thankful for,” declared Victor Scott School Lower School Co-ordinator, Sarah Kaiser-DeSilva.

To celebrate their good fortune, the school’s Primary 1, 2 and 3 students and teachers had a special luncheon in the school Assembly Hall on Thursday, November 25.

The fare, served by the Lower School Department teachers, included turkey donated by the MarketPlace and side dishes brought from home by the students in the best “pot luck” tradition. The youngsters dined at tables decorated with flower arrangements donated by Ms Kaiser-DeSilva’s mother-in-law, Diana DeSio. Chosen randomly, four lucky youngsters took home the arrangements afterwards.

The children were also mindful of others that day, participating in the Denim for Diabetes fundraising effort.

“This was a very special day to enjoy good friends, food, and fellowship,” remarked Ms Kaiser-DeSilva.