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Final dance is planned by the Student Government Association

Student government: The Somersfield Academy Student Government Association for 2009-10 representatives are (from left) Georgia Harris; Leonard Rentrup; Sierra Yit; Emily Fischer; Cara Johnston; Andrew Sussman.

The Student Government Association is an organisation of students that arrange social and charity-based events for the school.

The SGA is comprised of six elected students, each with a different position. This year the president is Emily Fischer, the vice president is Leonard Rentrup, the social organiser is Georgia Harris, the treasurer is Sierra Yit, the secretary is Cara Johnston and the charity organiser is Andrew Sussman.

There are also two teachers, Angela Caldwell and Melissa Judd, who advise the group.

So far the SGA has organised two dances, bake sales to raise funds for the Red Cross in Haiti and a winter carnival event. To end the year with a bang, the SGA is planning a final dance that will be on a larger scale than the previous dances.