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KBB cleanup benefits all involved

Saltus Grammar School has been involved in the Keep Bermuda Beautiful programme since its inception.

Students have found themselves involved in all aspects of the charity each with their own motives. For some it was an ideal cause to fulfil their public service hours for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, while for others it was something more personal that drove them towards the programme.

In fact it was two Saltus students, Matthew Witkowski and Michael Mello, who became the youngest ever members on KBB's board of directors. On May 17 and 18 Saltus students, with the help of Mrs. Murdoch and Matthew Witkowski, who was the liaison between KBB and Mrs. Murdoch, organised a "trash-a-thon". In addition to making Bermuda cleaner, the intention was to raise money to help subsidise the Art Department's trip to Italy in February 2009.

Students found sponsors who were willing to donate a given sum for each bag of trash they collected during the two days. This mutual relationship was highlighted by the success of the venture and the overall sum of trash collected between the two days.

On Saturday, May 17 students gathered at Canal Road to tackle some roadside litter and reverse the effects heavy trash dumping had had on that site. On Sunday, May 18, the crew of students and KBB volunteers shifted their attention to Parsons Lane.

The two-day project was also part of KBB's Spring Cleanup Initiative, during which students and local volunteers alike were encouraged to donate some of their time, and help reverse the trend of trash dumping.

For some the experience was strenuous while for others eye-opening to the problem we have in Bermuda regarding roadside dumping and general litter.

The bulk of the trash was beer bottles, textiles and paper, yet there was the startling find of a microwave, tires and two motorcycles.

In the end the partnership between Saltus Grammar School Students and KBB volunteers was hailed as a success with well over 30 bags of trash brought in just by the Saltus student volunteers. Readers who may be interested in donating some time to this worthy cause, can check out www.KBB.bm for more information.