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Miss Thang's guest appearance!

On the night of Friday, February 29, 2008, Clearwater Middle School held an event based on the hit TV show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader". Our event was renamed, "Are You Smarter Than a Middle Schooler"?

Our guest for the event was none other than Miss Thang from Hott 107.5. She was present to host for the evening. Ms D. Berry and Mrs. D. Wade were responsible for organising and putting on the event.

They both also took part in the event by helping. Ms Berry sat in the front of the audience and controlled the computer to click the questions and answers chosen by the parents. Mrs. Wade stood on the stage and controlled the Smart Board, used to keep record of the scores of the contestants.

Overall, we had five contestants out of the six that had volunteered to participate. There were four male contestants and one female contestant. They were on the right side of the gym while the students were on the left.

The students were selected to assist the contestants with the answers when needed. There were nine middle school students participating, six boys and three girls.

I was one of the boys who was selected to participate. The audience was situated in the centre of the gym as well as on the bleachers along the left. We had quite a few spectators there.

The admission fee was a mere $3. At the beginning of the whole event, after the Principal, Mr. Symonds, and the Deputy Principal, Dr. Tully, had finished speaking, a group of about eight girls stood up in front of the stage and sang into two mikes the theme song of the night, "Are You Smarter than a Middle Schooler"?

After they finished singing, the event began and Miss Thang chose to begin with the male closest to the stage. Each contestant received three turns to get as many points as possible. On the screen, there were 11 subjects shown including: English, Social Studies, Science, Math, French, Spanish, Music, Business Studies, Physical Education and Art.

For each subject there were three questions: one covered M1, one covered M2, and one covered M3. At the end of the first round, after each contestant had answered three questions, three of the male contestants were tied in first place and the female and one male were tied for second. After the intermission, the contestants were told to use the students since no students had been asked to assist.

After that, quite a few middle schoolers were given the opportunity to assist. The overall experience was wonderful. Every contestant was given a shirt for participation while the three top contestants made donations to their favourite charity. Miss Thang was awarded with flowers while the students were given certificates.