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Production of 'Our Day Out' proves successful

In January 2009 Years 7 to 9 at Saltus Grammar School gathered in the new drama studio to audition for another fun-filled drama club production, Willy Russell's 'Our Day Out'.

This year they would present a play quite similar to last year's, a story about troubled kids who attend a dysfunctional school and get into trouble so many times. At the auditions we saw the return of some of the Year 9s coming to audition for what would be their last Drama Club performance. The turn-out was amazing; it seemed like every kid from Years 7 to 9 wanted to try out for this spectacular play! The only thing that everyone in that room had in mind was, "What part will I get this year?"

The result of the auditions was a totally different story. I had no idea what it was going to be like, but the funny thing was that the parts that we played last year seemed to tie into what parts we got this year.

However, there were main roles for Michaela Roberts and myself who were only minor characters last time. When the cast saw their stage they were even more shocked! The new stage brought many new ideas and challenges for every person in the room.

This new stage was theatre in the round, where the audience sits on all sides and watches the performance in the middle. One of the problems that came with this was being watched constantly from every direction and then there were the boxes. These needed to be moved very quickly and quietly for each scene change and caused tons of amusement for all involved!

Our director, Mrs. Dorrington, did an excellent job with the play in what is now her third performance at Saltus Grammar School. Mrs. Banks, the co-director, also did a good job at keeping us quiet backstage and sorting out staging positions. We hope to have another great show next year!