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Putting their projects to the test

Making it personalYear M5 students at Somersfield Academy will present their personal projects, part of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years programme tomorrow. from 10am. Back row, left to right: Jabari Burgess-Robinson, Donte Brown, William Broughton, Idress Sharrieff, and Henry Taylor. Front row: Chantae Hollis, Domico Watson, Ri-Ann Pully and Kelsea Williams

In the final year of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, students are required to complete a personal project, "a significant body of work produced over an extended period; a product of the student's own initiative; a truly creative piece of work of their own choice."

This year, nine M5 students will be revealing to the public their projects and what they have achieved through the creative process on Friday from 10am to 12.45pm at Somersfield Academy.

The personal projects have involved extensive research, creative writing, song writing, art and film production. The projects must have an 'area of interaction' (AOI) component, involving one of five areas: approaches to learning, community and service, human ingenuity, environment, and health and social education.

Donte Brown researched the history of kite-making in Bermuda and its cultural significance. The project included making a kite using the information he had obtained and involved human ingenuity and health and social education.

"For my personal project," Jabari Burgess-Robinson explained, "I created a photo gallery of Bermuda scenery with accompanying poems. I also created an album that will be donated to the school. My AOI is Community Service because I am selling the artwork and giving the money to the Bermuda Red Cross which helps people all over the world."

Chantae Hollis created a song and a music video that highlights the relationships that exist in teenage life. "The main AOI of my project," she stated, "was human ingenuity because by making a music video and writing a song, I focused on human creation and achievement." She also wanted to see how her video affected others.

Ri-Ann Pully's documentary on youth violence in Bermuda has been covered at some length in an accompanying article. "I want people to remember how Bermuda was," she explained, "and how it has changed by the increase in violence."

Idrees Sharrieff created a soccer skills and tricks video aimed at young people seven to 14 years of age. "The Area of Interaction was Community and Service," Indrees explained, "as it was my hope to share my passion for soccer with children and help them develop their skills."

Henry Taylor used his passion for music to write and record three original pieces. In addition he created an album of artwork to reflect the meaning of his music. The process involved human ingenuity.

"My personal project is called 'a community seen through art'," stated Domico Watson. "I created a mural that represents my feelings about the school community and how it has enriched my life. I hope that the mural will have an effect on all of those that view it. My Area of Interaction was Community and Service."

Kelsea Williams chose to create a personal identity documentary that will develop a sense not only of personal understanding but understanding by others in her wider community. The goals of her project were to develop new and better relationships with others, eliminating misunderstanding and helping others realise who she is.

The school welcomes the general public to view the projects on Friday morning; for more information contact Angela Caldwell, acaldwell@somersfield.bm or 239-3349.