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Spirit Day forges unity

"Blue House!""Maroon House!""Blue House!"

"Blue House!"

"Maroon House!"

"Blue House!"

"Maroon House!"

That's all you can hear on SPIRIT DAY at Dellwood Middle School.

All of the Dellwood family is split up into two houses, teachers included. The houses are Blue House and Maroon House. The events involved in Spirit Day are football and netball. There are three age categories for the events. They are Under 12, Under 13 and Over 13. There are even teachers versus students games in both football and netball.

Spirit Day starts at 1.30 after lunch. At Dellwood we start the afternoon off by going to the teacher's room that corresponds to our grade level and house colour. For example, Mr. Robinson is on Blue House and is an M1 teacher, so the M1 Blue House boys will go to Mr. Robinson's room.

Once the students get to their assigned classes and instructions are given, boys make their way to the football field while the girls go to the netball court. In football, in the Under 12 (M1s) football match the result was 2-1 MAROON. In the Under 13 (M2s) game, the score was 3-0 MAROON and in Over 13 there was a tie 2-2.

I had the opportunity to play with the M2s and the M3s even though I am only in M2. The M3 Blue House boys didn't have enough players. I had so much fun playing with the M3s. LaQuan Thomas, an M2 student stated, "I thought that it was a good day. We all had fun. Hip Hip Hooray!"

During Spirit Day we have a lot of fun, while having a lot of competitions. While the M2 and M3 matches were going on, the M1s were playing their own Blue versus Maroon game on the other field.

Spirit Day at Dellwood Middle School is a once in a lifetime chance and I'm glad I'm able to participate.

I was also glad that more than 90 percent of the school body participated. That shows that Dellwood students are full of school spirit. So I ask you, will your children come out and participate too?