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Sports round-up

Winner: Jahdayna Samuels with her trophies
The day Clearwater won the girls' six-a-sideBy Aaliyah NolanI'll never forget that day! We travelled to Shelly Bay to take part, wondering if we could get past Round One. Our teacher kept telling us "just pass the ball to each other and work for each other and you will be successful", but we were still very nervous.

The day Clearwater won the girls' six-a-side

By Aaliyah Nolan

I'll never forget that day! We travelled to Shelly Bay to take part, wondering if we could get past Round One. Our teacher kept telling us "just pass the ball to each other and work for each other and you will be successful", but we were still very nervous.

On the squad that day with me were Dezhane West, Kalay Hollis, Julia O'Brien, Cheyenne McCallan, Jasmine Spence, Amber Jackson, Kayla Hines, Alexis Trott.

The schools which turned up for the event were Saltus, Whitney, Somersfield, Dellwood, T N Tatem and Warwick Academy. Every school had sent a very strong team and we started playing Round One. Suddenly we were in Round Two, then the semi final! We beat Dellwood, and everyone came to watch the final against Warwick Academy.

We were very tired, and so was the other team but we kept playing away, trying not to concede a goal. At the end of regular time it was still 0-0 and we went to penalty kicks. They scored first then we scored and this went on for some time until suddenly they missed a penalty kick!

If I converted mine we were going to be the Champions! I was really nervous. I remember placing the ball, running up, kicking it – and it went in! We had won! We all hugged each other and hugged our teacher Mrs. Denika Wade and we had a big pizza party to celebrate! We are looking forward to next year to defend our trophy! Go Clearwater!

My Agricultural Exhibition horse jumping trophies

By Jahdayna Samuels M3

During the 2010 Agricultural Exhibition I competed with my horse Dream Catcher. I was very nervous and I felt a rush of adrenaline as the competition started and we jumped over the first hurdle. As I went round the rest of the course, I thought to myself: "I can do this, and I'm going to do my best to win."

By the end of the day, tired and exhausted, I had won four first places and one fourth and I was announced as the Overall Junior Champion! I had come first in all three of my jumping classes and in my equestrian. I also came fourth in my junior showmanship. I was the overall leading junior horseman.

I was very surprised when they called my name as the overall winner. I would like to thank God, my parents and my coach Nick DeCosta for my success.

I was also told that I have been selected to represent Bermuda in the next round of the CEA Junior Jumping Competition which will be held in Bermuda in May. I had a lot of fun at the Agriculture Exhibition this year and hope to compete again next year!