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These are our heroes

Joao Vincente, M1, wrote: "My mom has always helped me learn how to read in Portuguese, how to write in Portuguese. She helps me with my English and Portuguese homework. She calls my grandmother and she lets me talk to her.

"If the TV is not working, she makes it work like brand new. If I have nothing to do, she takes me for a ride in the car. If I don't want to make my bed, she makes it for me.

"She makes everything better. Sometimes she buys me new DVDs. When there is no food in the house, she goes to the market to buy some. My mom makes everything better. She pays for my Portuguese school. She pays for the lights. She pays for cable. She is like a superhero. She makes my life special."

Edina Ray, M1, wrote: "My hero is my nana. She is always there for me. She is kind, strong, brave and nice to me. She is my best friend and I love her. My nana, Rozland Ray, is my hero!"

Char-donnay Saltus, M1, wrote: "My hero is my best friend and cousin, Kalyn Cannonier. I can trust her to be there for me whenever I need. She makes me smile when I am down. She helps me when I ask."

Ashanti Stovell, M1, wrote: "My dad is my hero because he loves, cares and supports me! Thanks Dad! (Quinton Stovell)"

Atiyyah Outerbridge, M1, wrote: "My heroes are my mom and dad. They look out for me. They do whatever they can to help me. They love me unconditionally and always make time for me."

Twylia Ebbin-Wilson, M1, wrote: "My mom is my hero because she cares for me. She puts food on the table for me and does what she can to make me feel safe and happy."

A Sound I hear.....

"A sound I hear is my Nana's voice calling my name. Sometimes it makes me mad. I hear it when I walk on the street and she is telling me to go home. I hear it when I go to sleep. I can't talk to her but she is talking to me. I hear her when I run and she says, "Go Donald! Go!" I hear it when I am sad and she says, "Cheer Up. Don't cry." I hear her when I cannot understand my school work, as if she is telling me the words when I read," wrote Donald Blake, M1.