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Berkeley Institute’s Head Prefects speak about role models, attitude and ambition ‘I’m no genius, just hard work pays off’

Good things com to those who work: The Berkeley Institute 2011-2012 Head Prefects, Deesa Booth (left) and Tashel Bean

“Good things don’t come to those who wait, but those who work.” “It’s not where you are it’s what you make of it.” These are the favourite quotes of Tashel Bean and Deesa Booth respectively, and they are surely working hard and making the best of it as the Head Prefects of the Berkeley Institute.When asked what being Head Girl meant to her, Deesa Booth said: “It’s a new sense of pride in your school.”Head Boy Tashel replied: “It’s being the voice of the male student body and Deesa being the female.” They’re taking their roles very seriously as head prefects and have clever suggestions and ideas to unite the school.From speaking at school and charity events, monitoring duties, or just doing something as ‘plain’ as setting an example for the entire school, the role of a typical Berkeley Institute head prefect is less formal and more action packed than one could imagine. And so the prefects were asked what super hero or super power would they be or have if they had the chance and why. Deesa, head girl, said she’d like the ability of transport because she needs to get to places, but there’s not enough time to do so; with this convenience carrying out all her responsibilities would be a cinch. Tashel, on the other hand, said that he would be Batman because the only real power Batman has is brainpower and who wouldn’t want to resolve conflicts using only their brain? With a GPA of 3.75 he’s getting there; however he says “I’m no genius, just hard work pays off.”Deesa is not to be outdone either, as she steadily racks up honour roll citations like second nature. If she keeps this up she’ll be closer and closer to becoming as esteemed as her role model Daniel (Dan) Snyder. She says he is her role model simply because of everything he is.Tashel’s role model is Bruce Tim not because he was the creator of the Batman animated series, but because he wasn’t afraid to take risks and think outside the box. Tashel sure thinks outside the box himself as he is working on his own Apple app flash animation that he created using only Microsoft PowerPoint.Sticking to technology he mentored ICT (Information and Communications Technology) students for his community services hours. Deesa’s also mentored but at the Northland’s primary where she gave up her lunch times to read to the children.As for their future ambitions, Head Boy Tashel say he want to be a conglomeritic with areas such as producing, directing, media, and animation. He wants to study at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) University which he hopes it’ll be a stepping stone to a career in the mainstream media.Deesa aspires to direct and produce as well. She wants to study at University of Tampa and (she also) aims to get an internship with the well-known Nickelodeon. Speaking of education Deesa’s other role model is Raven Simone because despite already having an acting career she went back to school, something she finds admirable. The pair says they’ve each also gained community hours helping out with the Berkeley Christmas Production, which is a hands-on way of getting to see how things are done.For the moment though, to get through the day, three items Deesa said she couldn’t leave home without were her cell phone, glasses, and headphones. Tashel also carried the first two, but instead of headphones has an iPod, which he pointed out include headphones. Without their glasses they’d both be as blind as a bat, and as for the headphones and iPod they both declared they couldn’t live without music. Their favourite genres include Hip Hop, Classic, RnB, Instrumentals and while neither particularly liked country, Deesa does favour Taylor Swift, the Pop/Country Icon. While they enjoy listening to music, they also perform themselves. Tashel plays the piano and Deesa plays the trumpet.Thus the lives of Berkeley’s current head prefects involves team work, a strong sense of community involvement and interest in a wide range of topics. It appears they’ll be working at opening many paths this school year at the Berkeley Institute, and hope that their own paths will remain steadfast as well.

Good things com to those who work: The Berkeley Institute 2011-2012 Head Prefects, Deesa Booth (left) and Tashel Bean